People for the Ethical Treatment of Musicians (PETm): A Movement for Fair Artist Compensation

People for the Ethical Treatment of Musicians (PETm): A Movement for Fair Artist Compensation

By Marcus Stevenson

November 20, 2024 at 06:11 PM

People for the Ethical Treatment of Musicians (PETm) emerged from indie label Projekt Records founder Sam Rosenthal's frustration with the music industry's unfair compensation practices.

PETA logo parody for musicians

PETA logo parody for musicians

The movement draws parallels between fair trade practices and musician compensation. Just as consumers support fair wages for workers globally, musicians deserve fair compensation for their creative work. Most musicians belong to the 99% economic bracket, yet struggle to earn living wages from their art.

A common misconception is that musicians make their money from touring and merchandise. The reality is starkly different:

  • Average shows bring $0-500 per night
  • Tour expenses include van rental, gas, food, and hotels
  • Most bands sell only 5 CDs per show
  • Many tours break even or result in losses
  • Four-person bands often return home with just $100 each after a week-long tour

The initiative gained significant traction on social media, with the PETm graphic receiving over 500 shares in two days, demonstrating widespread resonance with the message of ethical treatment and fair compensation for musicians.

This movement highlights a crucial ethical question: If society supports fair compensation for workers across various industries, shouldn't musicians receive the same consideration for their creative contributions?

The message is clear - musicians and creative artists deserve fair compensation for their work, and the current system needs reform to ensure sustainable careers in music.

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